TMDsports 4K Challenge
What is in store for 2018? Click the button to find out more! We also appreciate if you can help spread the word on this challenge as this community based activity is truly reliant on the spirit of the community.
TMDsports Muddercations
Tough Mudder is an obstacle course challenge which was picked up by Singaporeans who love to travel and run at events overseas. Because of the size of Singapore, the run is not able to be held in Singapore and Singaporeans travel globally to take part in this challenge since 2010. We even have one Singaporean who resides in New York city who has attempted the World Toughest Mudder and completed it in 24 hours!
We at TMDsports help you to find friends who are interested to run this challenge together and we build this community of Muddercation! Everything to knowing what are the best flights to take, tips and tricks on acclimatisation and preparing for the run, accommodation, transport, race tickets, insurance, etc... we make it all happen.
We are also looking for sponsors to sponsor the special needs children from special needs schools around Singapore to attempt this challenge. There are children who are keen to experience this and we support this cause too! If you are keen to run and support these children in their journey through the mud you can volunteer too! Drop us a message if you would like to be a part of this cause!
To know more about our upcoming challenge, click the button!
To learn more about Tough Mudder, click their logo below!