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Mudder Maker Bootcamp Details

Our TMD Bootcamp is professionally designed to make you physically and mentally ready for the Tough Mudder event, and for any life's challenges that come your way. Training has never been more punishing, yet fulfilling. Join a bunch of insanely motivated people to grind it out.

Updated 23 Mar 2016

Mudder Maker Bootcamp

Almost anyone can take part in a Tough Mudder—that's what makes it awesome—but it is the world's least completed race at 78%. That's where the training comes in to prepare you so that you can give your best and claim those bragging rights.

Our Bootcamp is specially and professionally designed to make you Mudder ready, both physically and mentally. The best part? Doing it with a bunch of equally insanely motivated people determined to take on any challenge thrown their way. Plus, it is entirely free. Now you have no excuse.
Sign up now!

Training Schedule: 
Every Sunday from 28 Feb 2016-01 May 2016 for 10 weeks

Training conducted by Virgin Active Singapore trainers. Each workout is different but they will all train you in endurance, strength, cardio and grit. Do check out our Facebook page for the latest updates on location. 

Training Date Time Venue
28 Feb 2016 12:30 - 14:30 URA Car Free Weekend Connaught Drive
6 Mar 2016 9:00 – 11:00 Bedok Stadium
13 Mar 2016 9:00 – 11:00 Tanjong Rhu Place
20 Mar 2016 9:00 – 11:00 Lower Seletar Reservoir Park
27 Mar 2016 9:00 – 11:00 Singapore Recreation Club's hard courts, at URA car free weekend
3 Apr 2016 9:00 – 11:00 Gardens by the Bay East - Promenade Lawn
10 Apr 2016 9:00 – 11:00 Bukit Gombak Stadium Little Guilin
17 Apr 2016 9:00 – 11:00 Bishan Park (Green in front of Macs)
24 Apr 2016 9:00 – 11:00 Gardens by the Bay/Marina Barrage
1 May 2016 *7:30 – 9:30 Marina Promenade (Singapore Flyer)

TMDsports Bootcamp T-Shirt

What You Will Receive

What do you get out of this training, you ask? At the end of 10 weeks, these are yours for keeps: a beautiful bod, a healthy mind, an iron-clad will, many new training buddies, and a TMDsports Bootcamp T-shirt (if you attend 8/10 sessions).

What To Bring

Exercise attire, change of clothes, water, a can-do spirit

Please follow our Facebook page for updates on training routine, wet weather plans etc.

Virgin Active TMDsports Mudder Maker Bootcamp T-shirt


Virgin Active Club members can also attend the Mudder Maker classes available at the Club

If you complete 15 sessions with Virgin Active and 4 sessions with us, you will also receive the exclusive Virgin Active and TMDsports co-branded Mudder Maker Bootcamp T-shirt!

Sign Up Now

Kindly note that by signing up for the Bootcamp, you are agreeing to our Terms of Service

Join The Insane Tribe Every Sunday!

Whether you're a Mudder-in-Training, a hardcore fitness junkie or a novice Bootcamper, we welcome you to join in the insanity.

Bootcamp #1 at car-free sunday connaught drive | 28 Feb 2016

Bootcamp #2 at Bedok Stadium | 6 March 2016

Bootcamp #3 at Tanjong Rhu Place | 13 March 2016

BOOTCAMP #4 AT Lower Seletar Reservoir Park | 20 MARCH 2016

BOOTCAMP #5 Singapore Recreation Club's hard courts, at URA car free weekend | 27 MARCH 2016

BOOTCAMP #6 Gardens by the Bay East - Promenade Lawn | 3 APRIL 2016

BOOTCAMP #7 Bukit Gombak Stadium Little Guilin | 10 APRIL 2016

BOOTCAMP #8 Bishan Park | 17 APRIL 2016

BOOTCAMP #9 Gardens by the Bay/Marina Barrage | 24 APRIL 2016

BOOTCAMP #10 final | Marina Promenade | 1 may 2016