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4K Challenge 2016

Last updated 25 Feb 2016

4K Challenge 2016 [COMPLETED]

To see the new challenge, click on

hELD ON 21 FEB 2016 AT solitude of strength,

Gather a team of 4 to push your limits together. Does 4000 reps sound impossible?

We never believe in impossible. And so did many of you. 

Thank you all for coming down to challenge yourselves, we hope it was as insanely fun for you, as it definitely was for us!

Challenge Results

To us, everyone is a winner for gamely taking on this challenge. We were blown away by your strength, perseverance, mental grit and drive. 

31,035 reps were clocked in total on this very day, by all of you as a team. What a feat! Kudos to each of you, we are so proud and inspired! 

Special congrats are in order for the Champion of Champions - Team JECK!

Not forgetting our record holders:

Fittest male: Junsheng (Team Virgin Active)
Fittest female and active ager: Natalie (Team Lion City Spartans)
Fittest youth: Bryan (Team REACH)

4K Challenge 2016 is over...
but the challenge to continually outdo yourself is never over

We know, we know...the feeling is just like having an amazing one-off date and after that, wondering when you will get that high, head-in-the-cloud, over-the-moon feeling again.

While 4K Challenge 2017 is a year away, we are always here. The bunch of insane, challenge-seeking, somewhat masochistically-motivated-but-all-for-good-reasons people. Join the TMDsports community to discover, share and connect over exciting, limit-testing sports experiences. 

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